Tag / Azure

Azure Tip 12: Starting with Azure Bicep

There are plenty of tutorials on how to start with Bicep so that I do not need to rewrite everything. A great post has been published by Tobias Zimmergren: https://zimmergren.net/getting-started-azure-bicep/ But I want to use this post to collect some important links: Bicep Learning Path at MS Learn: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/paths/bicep-deploy/ Bicep Playground: https://bicepdemo.z22.web.core.windows.net/ Bicep Docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/bicep/...CONTINUE READING

DWX2021: Open-source Intelligence (OSINT) mit Big Data auf Azure – Geht das?

In dieser Session stellen wir ein Forschungsprojekt vor, welches wir für einen Kunden durchgeführt haben. Es ging darum die Fragestellung zu klären, ob mit Open-Source Intelligence-, Big Data- und Cloudtechnologien ein System gebaut werden kann, mit welchem Daten aus Social Media Kanälen in Echtzeit ausgewertet werden können. Die dafür verwendeten Technologien drehen sich um Azure...CONTINUE READING
Category:Business, Talks

BASTA2021 Hybrid: Azure ist überwältigend. Wie finde ich mich da nur zurecht?

Eine Standardeinführung in die Azure Cloud Computing Plattform sieht etwa so aus: Slide 1: “Es gibt verschiedene Konzepte, wie IaaS, PaaS und SaaS und weitere”. Slide 2: “Für diese Konzepte gibt es in der Azure Cloud sogenannte “Building Blocks” und mit denen kann man coole Sachen bauen”. Slide 3: “Ende”. Voller Elan öffnet man das...CONTINUE READING
Category:Business, Talks

Azure Tip 10: Advanced Powershell Tricks (Web Services, StopWatch, Remoting, COM)

This post is a part of a series of posts on Azure Powershell: Azure Tip 10: Advanced Powershell Tricks (Web Services, StopWatch, Remoting, COM Interop)Azure Tip 9: More Azure Powershell (pipes, filters, output formatting, exporting)Azure Tip 8: Getting Started with Azure Powershell Calling WebServices with Powershell Pro Tip: Note that you can save web requests...CONTINUE READING

Azure Tip 9 – More Azure Powershell (pipes, filters, output formatting, exporting)

This post is a part of a series of posts on Azure Powershell: Azure Tip 10: Advanced Powershell Tricks (Web Services, StopWatch, Remoting, COM Interop)Azure Tip 9: More Azure Powershell (pipes, filters, output formatting, exporting)Azure Tip 8: Getting Started with Azure Powershell Powershell Pipelines An important concept in Powershell are pipelines. You can use the...CONTINUE READING

ExpertsLIVE Switzerland 2020: How not to get lost in Azure

Session recording available here: https://youtu.be/7732Yv1vZH8 I am sure that you already heard a couple of standard introductions to the Azure Platform. Usually they introduce the concepts of IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and maybe FaaS. Then they tell you that you can build stuff from so called “building blocks”.Full of motivation, you open the Azure portal only...CONTINUE READING
Category:Business, Talks

BASTA2020: Geheimniskrämerei in der Azure-Cloud mit dem Azure Key Vault

Das Speichern von Geheimnissen, die von einer Anwendung benötigt werden, war schon immer eine Herausforderung. Eigentlich ist es ja ganz simpel: Alles was geheim ist, wird verschlüsselt. Die Verfahren sind bekannt und erprobt. Doof ist nur, dass der Schlüssel ja auch ein Geheimnis ist. Was machen wir dann mit dem Schlüssel? Mit einem Passwort den...CONTINUE READING
Category:Business, Talks

Azure Tip 7: Bulk Deleting and Purging Azure Resource Groups

During the delivery of my Azure training sessions, I often end up with a lot of resource groups. Deleting many resource groups at once would be a good tool. Here are 3 solutions: Delete multiple resource groups with Powershell Delete multiple resource groups with Azure CLI Purge resource groups with Powershell WARNING: Deleting a resource...CONTINUE READING

My Virtual Class Room Setup and an Awesome Whiteboarding Solution

So for the last 2 days, I delivered two Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Trainings online. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, Trivadis was forced to cancel all the classroom training. Luckily we were prepared. The virtual classroom was about to be introduced for a selection of our training offerings. Looking at the current crisis the move...CONTINUE READING

Azure Tip 5: Azure Latency Websites

How long does it take to make a call to a data center from where I am? This is a very important question for all things related to computer communication. There are 2 really cool website taking care of this question: http://www.azurespeed.com/ https://azurespeedtest.azurewebsites.net/ AzureSpeed.com Check out http://www.azurespeed.com/ : Azurespeed.com will let you select Azure Regions...CONTINUE READING
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