Article Published (Windows Developer): Introduction to Azure Mobile Apps

The Windows Developer Magazin ( recently published my article about Azure Mobile Apps in its 9.16 edition:


Azure Mobile Apps

Azure Mobile Apps, known as Mobile Services before, are a set of services offered by the Azure Cloud to support mobile app development. At the heart is a cloud-based, scalable application backend. It provides a REST based API that can access data from an Azure Sql Database. In addition to this backend, Mobile Apps provide services such as Push Notifications, Offline Functionality, Authentication against Azure Active Directory or Social Media Identity Providers, Integration with on-premise systems and manual and automatic scaling.

The backend can be implemented using either C# or Node.js.

For an easy start there are a handful of templates available in the Azure Portal. You will find project templates for the following technologies:

  • iOS (Objective-C and Swift)
  • Android
  • Windows 8.1 & 10
  • Xamarin
  • Cordova

The templates come in the form of pre-configured projects for Visual Studio, XCode, etc.

The template implements a demo application in the form of a task list. After the creation of the mobile app in the Azure portal, a fully functional solution can be downloaded and executed, for example, on an iPhone:


The article is in German. You can get the issue of the magazine here:


Have fun reading!

Article Published (Windows Developer): Integration with Azure Logic Apps
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