Tag / VisualStudio

Talk–10.04.2017–.NET User Group Basel: Visual Studio 2017 Productivity Tools & Azure Cognitive Services

Today I spoke at the .NET User Group Basel about Azure Cognitive Services and the new (and old) Productivity Tools in Visual Studio 2017, such as Code Map, Intellitest and Live-Unit-Testing. Thanks for having me! Link to the event: https://www.meetup.com/Basel-NET-User-Group/events/237844700 Slides: DotNetUGBasel_ManuelMeyer_AzureCognitiveServices (PDF) DotNetUGBasel_ManuelMeyer_VS2017ProductivityTools (PDF)
Category:Business, Talks

Talk 31.01.2017 – Microsoft TechDays Switzerland 2017 – Schneller zum Release mit Live-Unit-Testing und den Produktivitätstools on VS2017

Thanks to everyone who attended my session at TechDays 2017: “Schneller zum Release mit Live-Unit-Testing und den Produktivitätstools von Visual Studio 2017” It was great to speak in a movie theater to a motivated crowd! The slides can be downloaded here: TechDays2017_VS2017ProductivityTools.pdf In case of any questions, send me an email or a tweet. I...CONTINUE READING
Category:Business, Talks

TechDays 2017

I will be speaking about the new productivity features in Visual Studio 2017 at TechDays 2017! Schneller zum Release mit Live-Unit-Testing und den Produktivitätstools von Visual Studio 2017 “Faster, leaner and full of productivity features”. Das verspricht Microsoft für die neueste Version der Entwicklungsumgebung Visual Studio. In dieser Session lernen sie die neuesten Features wie...CONTINUE READING
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