Over the years that I have been working as a .NET developer and consultant for a large number of different
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.NET Power Tip 20: The Cycle Clipboard Ring in Visual Studio
Copying and pasting is an essential part of every developers life. It is so essential that you can even buy
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 19: Copying, Cutting, Pasting and Moving Lines in Visual Studio
I watch many developers deleting and copying code lines in Visual Studio in an unnecessary complicated procedure. They place the
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 18: Visual Studio Block Selection / Block Copy Mode
Usually, when selecting text in a text editor, the text is selected line by line. This means that if I
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 17: Visual Studio Scroll Bar Map Mode
There is an interesting function in Visual Studio hidden in the options menu: Scroll Bar Map Mode. Going to TOOLS
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 16: Visual Studio Find in Files
You might be familiar with the standard search functionality in Visual Studio accessible via CTRL-F. Personally, I hardly use it.
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 15: The Call Hierachy Window in Visual Studio
A very useful but little kn own window in VS2015 is the Call Hierarchy Window. It can be used to
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 14: Navigation in Visual Studio
This power tip introduces a couple of shortcuts that can be used to navigate through code files in Visual
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 13: Converting Images with ImageMagick
Very often, .NET applications need to convert images. Meet ImageMagick! What is Image Magick? Say you have an
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 12: Setting IIS Application Pools on Windows Access Control Lists (ACL)
I stumble upon this one recently and I always need to google it to get the syntax right. So this
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 11: Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools
There is one extension to Visual Studio that you ABSOLUTELY NEED!!! And its the Productivity Power Tools. Go to TOOLS
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 10: Merging Assemblies
Say, you have a .NET Project with a lot of assemblies in the project output and you don’t like it.
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 9: Paste JSON/XML as Classes
This .NET Power Tip makes me bang my head against the wall over and over again! How many times have
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 8: Troubleshooting log4net Configurations
The configuration part of Log4Net often causes severe headaches. Most of the times, a small mistakes prevents any log output
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 7: Excluding Files from TFS Source Control (Detected: 500 Add(s))
Sometimes you need a directory or some files within your Visual Studio Solution that you do NOT want to check-in
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